welcome to my E-Portfolio link to next page

hello my name is Finlay Heywood-Law im 13 years old and i go to hockerill anglo european college. this is my e portfolia of a fraction of what i can do click on the link to see four good pieces of work and they are a science quiz, football quiz,genius page and a packaging for fairtrade . have a go at the quizes and look at the designs also if you want more work click to the next page for more work.


my science quiz is a quiz that i created with a mark scheme and 20 questions and i made it as formal as possible

my football quiz is a powerpoint quiz with anti cheat system and a hyperlink quiz also a mark scheme

my how to a genius page is a guide to be smart in all aspects it a word document

my aqua cibo page is a photoshop package design .

link to science quiz

link to football quiz

link to genius page

link to aquacibo